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Documentation@suspensive/jotaiWhy need to use?

Why Use?

@suspensive/jotai is utilized for the following reasons:

Enables Easier and More Intuitive Use of Jotai’s Async Atoms

Jotai atoms support asynchronous read/write operations. Async atoms leverage Suspense to handle asynchronous flows, delegating the Promise’s pending state to the parent Suspense when an async operation starts.

Props of <Atom/> in @suspensive/jotai can be used identically to the interface of useAtom in Jotai. Using <Atom/> makes it clear internally which atom is being used and intuitively shows how Suspense is triggered at various depths.

import { Atom } from '@suspensive/jotai'
import { Suspense } from '@suspensive/react'
import { UserProfile, UserPosts } from '~/components'
import { userAtom } from '~/atoms'
const MyPage = () => (
  <Suspense fallback={'pending...'}>
    {/* It's clear which atom is being used and where Suspense is triggered. */}
    <Atom atom={userAtom}>{([data]) => <UserProfile {...data} />}</Atom>
    <Atom atom={userAtom}>{([data]) => <UserPosts {...data} />}</Atom>

Compatible with Jotai’s Extension Libraries

Jotai offers various extension libraries like tRPC, Query, and Cache. Atoms from extension libraries are compatible with @suspensive/jotai’s <Atom/>, <SetAtom/>, <AtomValue/>.

Below is an example using the extension library jotai-tanstack-query introduced in Query.

import { AtomValue } from '@suspensive/jotai'
import { Suspense, ErrorBoundary } from '@suspensive/react'
import { UserProfile } from '~/components'
import { userQueryAtom } from '~/queries' {/* Used 'atomWithSuspenseQuery' from 'jotai-tanstack-query'. */}
const MyPage = () => (
  <ErrorBoundary fallback={({ error }) => <>{error.message}</>}>
    <Suspense fallback={'pending...'}>
      <AtomValue atom={userQueryAtom}> {/* Atoms from extension libraries are also compatible. */}
        {({ data: user }) => <UserProfile key={user.id} {...user} />}